Getting Started

Registering your model

Somewhere at the end of your add the following:

from django.db import models

class MyModel(models.Model):
    title = models.Charfield(max_length=60)

import uuidstore.registry

With the code above MyModel is registered with uuidstore. When you save an instance of your model for the first time, and new ObjectUUID will be created containing a UUID and a generic-relation to your model instance.

Let’s see how that works by running python shell:

>>> from myapp.models import MyModel
>>> from uuidstore.models import ObjectUUID
>>> # Create an instance of your model
>>> instance = MyModel.objects.create(title='Foo')
>>> # Retrieve the related ObjectUUID
>>> stored = ObjectUUID.objects.get_for_instance(instance)
>>> stored.uuid

In this case we can see that the ObjectUUID has been created. The UUID itself is only accessible by explicitly querying ObjectUUID. For most uses you’ll probably want the UUID accessible via the model instance itself. The following examples show how this is achieved.

Monkey patching

This example shows how to both register your model and have the UUID accessible as an attribute of your model.

from django.db import models

class MyModel(models.Model):
    title = models.Charfield(max_length=60)

import uuidstore.registry
uuidstore.registry.register(MyModel, uuid_descriptor='uuid')

The only thing we’ve changed with this code is to add a keyword argument uuid_descriptor to the registration call. This works as the previous example, but this time the next instantiation of a MyModel object will look up its UUID and attach it as a property of MyModel with the name you supplied.

Let’s see how that works by running python shell:

>>> from myapp.models import MyModel
>>> # Create an instance of your model
>>> instance = MyModel.objects.create(title='Bar')
>>> # Unlike the first example, the UUID is now attached to your instance:
>>> instance.uuid

This works well for cases where you are unable to modify the base model itself, but it’s not very efficient as we’re invoking a ContentType lookup for each instance.


Here we’ll cut out some of the inefficiency of monkey patching by denormalising the UUID to a CharField.

from django.db import models

class MyModel(models.Model):
    title = models.Charfield(max_length=60)
    uuid = models.CharField(max_length=36, blank=True, editable=False)

import uuidstore.registry
uuidstore.registry.register(MyModel, uuid_descriptor='uuid')

Let’s see how that works by running python shell:

>>> from myapp.models import MyModel
>>> # Create an instance of your model
>>> instance = MyModel.objects.create(title='Fizz')
>>> instance.uuid

Denormalisation to a UUID field

from django.db import models
from django_extensions.db.fields import UUIDField

class MyModel(models.Model):
    title = models.Charfield(max_length=60)
    uuid = UUIDField(

import uuidstore.registry
uuidstore.registry.register(MyModel, uuid_descriptor='uuid')

In this case we’ve replaced the CharField from the previous example with the UUIDField from django-extensions.

Let’s see how that works by running python shell:

>>> from myapp.models import MyModel
>>> # Create an instance of your model
>>> instance = MyModel.objects.create(title='Buzz')
>>> instance.uuid


You can use any suitable UUID field for this, provided that uuidstore can set its value after it has been saved. i.e. any auto behaviour is disabled, and you’ve set blank=True, null=True.